
To register for events you will need an online account through our online registration portal. For a tutorial on how to set up an account, click here.

Thursday Tales at Ten: Story Time at Mohonk Preserve

This winter come for story time and little outdoor exploration time with your little one at Mohonk Preserve! Each program will include a nature-themed story and outside activity.  This free […]

Woodcock Walk: In Search of the Timberdoodle

As the daylight fades, the evening erupts in the sounds of early spring. Amongst the calls of the spring peepers and woods frogs, one can hear the “peent!” of the […]

Lemon Squeeze Scramble – Weekend Hikes

This is a moderately strenuous 10-mile hike from the Stairmaster to the Sky Top Tower via the Lemon Squeeze led by Glenn Kreisberg. Advance registration is required. Registration is limited […]

High Peterskill Loop – Weekend Hikes

This is a moderate 5.5-mile hike led by Sharon Klein on the High Peterskill Loop. Advance registration is required. Registration is limited to 12 hikers. Registrants will receive the meeting […]

Rock & Snow Bridge 2 Bridge 5-Mile Run

The annual Rock and Snow Bridge 2 Bridge 5-Mile Run is organized by Mohonk Preserve with support from the Shawangunk Runners. All proceeds benefit Mohonk Preserve and its mission to […]

Duck Pond and Beyond – Weekend Hikes

“Duck Pond and Beyond.” Sunday, April 6, 9:00 a.m. This is a moderate 7-mile hike on carriage roads & trails led by Tonda Highley. Advance registration is required. Registration is […]

Woodcock Walk: In Search of the Timberdoodle

As the daylight fades, the evening erupts in the sounds of early spring. Amongst the calls of the spring peepers and woods frogs, one can hear the “peent!” of the […]

Made possible through generous support from The M&T Charitable Foundation.